As I'm driving home after hosting a valentines party at the after-school program, I get a call from Casey. His mom got us each a valentine. How cool is that?I'm not just an afterthought, I'm actually becoming a second-nature thought. L

Well enough about me and how inclusions in silly things like this is awesome, let me tell you
about Cheryl Pierson. First and foremost, she is Casey's mom. She is a writer and not just one that lives in a cardboard box. She is published and from what I can tell on Amazon reviews, a pretty dang good one.
Although any and all parents can be a pain. She is a cool future one to have.
Pics will come later.
Although any and all parents can be a pain. She is a cool future one to have.
Pics will come later.
And here is the pic....
AW, JENN! That is so sweet!!! Thank you so much. You know parents are a pain because we love you kids sooooo much!LOL But I promise I will try to be cool at all times. You will NEVER be an afterthought, sweet girl. You and Casey were so lucky to find one another, and we are lucky to have you in our family--couldn't ask for a better future dil! WE LOVE YOU!