Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32 - The employers at the UCO Career & Internship fair

I have been to well, many of these types of fairs not just at UCO but also at my former college, Oklahoma City Community College. Well today's was different and by far the best experience I've had.
Now maybe this had something to do with graduation coming up or knowing my AmeriCorps term ends in August, but I just liked this one and all the people.
The employers were outgoing and approached the students without hesitation. Usually it resembles a middle school dance where the employers are a bunch of girls talking with each other and the student as the one boy trying to be brave enough to ask one of 'the pack' for a dance.

Personally, I found a couple future opportunities but nothing immediate. I just wish the Marine recruiters were not present. I swear the military recruiters all know my weak spot, the military. Specifically the longing to be a part of something larger that is structured and goal-oriented.

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