Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 57 - JoJo Durst
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Day 56 - TORUS
Aha! I’m caught up now. Today I attended Texas Oklahoma Research Undergraduate Symposium, TORUS. Although math is not my thing, whatsoever in any fashion, I will always support my fiancĂ© who happens to major in math. I politely worked on homework as I waited for Casey to present his research but throughout the day, I noticed something. The people in attendance, students and professors alike, were really appreciative and congratulatory to each other. Edification was EVERYWHERE. I felt really proud to be a student at UCO during this awesome event.
Day 55 - Air Comfort Solutions tech
Have you ever had a day so awful that you saw no bright spot? Well, this was one of those days that tested me to search for the good in the day. I woke up late, went to school in Thursday’s clothes, did my hair at a stoplight, lost my credit card, hit my head on the car and found out I had to replace my air conditioning unit. So, the silver lining? The air conditioning guy was a down-to-earth guy who gave me the facts straight and let me decide for myself what to do. I found out later that he gave me retail value for the system without even mentioning it to me. He didn’t take credit for it, but gave it to me nonetheless. Although I’m still curled in a ball over the price I have to cough up, it’s nice to know I got a good deal.
Besides a deal, he gave me wonderful conversation (minus all the actual things he was there for.) It turns out he had been to Costa Rica as well! I wish we had figured this out sooner because I wanted to just chat with him for an hour or two about it and compare more stories. I finally met someone who had seen the same places I had and he had to leave. Ah well, it was amazing.
Day 54 - Robert's Dad
Thank you to Robert’s dad for buying Girl Scout cookies from me and supporting my nieces in the process. Also, thank you for buying an even amount so my nieces can split the sell from the cookies.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 53- Melissa Hayt
Melissa is probably, no certainly, one of the most hardworking people I know. Every time I think I have her roles memorized, she picks up another. She is the advisor to the Transfer Leadership Council, is a full-time employee in Leadership Central at UCO and she is a graduate student. Melissa previously earned both her bachelors and masters degrees. Now she is working on her doctorate. When I think I'm too busy, lack time or need more energy, I think of her.
She has homework, home life, work and leadership obligations. She is a wonderful person whom we should all aim to gain h attributes of dedication, hard work and a willingness to help others no matte what is on her plate.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Day 52 - AmeriCorps speakers
Day 51 - Positive encouragement
"Just realized I'm doomed. 20 credits, 40+pages of research, 30+ different sources, five cover-to-cover books and that's not including all the work and effort for the 100+ page PR campaign proposal. 75 days till graduation, 67 days till the final paper is due. I dislike my final semester with a passion...btw, I started my second job today."
- Jamie LaVarnway If college were easy, everybody would graduate. :/ One day at a time and I'll treat you in May! ;)Yesterday at 12:55pm ·
- Lindsey Webster It'll be all worth it once you're done! Keep counting down the days and it'll be over with before ya know it :)Yesterday at 1:21pm ·
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Day 50 - The happy kid at IHOP
Day 49 - Habitat for Humanity
- HfH homes are interest-free..
- HfH applicants must meet minimum earning requirements and be able to prove two years of consistent work history.
- HfH applicants must also volunteer 3oo hours for their house to be built.
- You should volunteer?
Friday, February 17, 2012
Day 48 - The Wellness Center attendant
So to you, UCO Wellness Center attendant, thanks for having a positive and upbeat attitude.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Day 47 - Robert from Karate
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Day 46 - The students promoting awareness
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 45 - My future mom in-law
As I'm driving home after hosting a valentines party at the after-school program, I get a call from Casey. His mom got us each a valentine. How cool is that?I'm not just an afterthought, I'm actually becoming a second-nature thought. L

Well enough about me and how inclusions in silly things like this is awesome, let me tell you
Although any and all parents can be a pain. She is a cool future one to have.
Pics will come later.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 44 - Mary Kate Tener

Sunday, February 12, 2012
Day 43 - Weatherman
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Day 42 - Gordon from IHOP
To Gordon who switched to the day shift at the Edmond location, WHY?!? First off, you rock! You know IHOP and all its quirks inside and out. I'm sorry you left us night owls and that we switched to a different location. It was nice seeing you again, even though you weren't technically our server.
Thanks for checking on us, for knowing to reboot the wifi without us even saying a word, refilling our drinks and for just being an overall nice guy even when it's midst a rush.
Thanks a million!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 41 - The guy who picked up a soda
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 40 - Lady who might believe in me
I'm really excited and I hope I can share this passion with her as well!
Day 39 - Everyone
Yes, I know this is generic, but I've been sick lately and I really didn't think leaving and contaminating more people would be a positive thing.
So...how can you brighten someones day today?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 38 - The girl with the blonde hair
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 37 – Brandt Smith from the UCO VSLC
comfortable enough to talk about important topics with a person I don’t know. I
went into UCO’s Volunteer and Service Learning Center to speak with Brandt
Smith about several questions regarding tracking volunteer hours.
We talked about his finger he accidentally sawed part of
off, AmeriCorps, future careers at UCO, my long-term career goals and different
fun topics overall. It was very enjoyable to just sit down with someone who has
just enough passion, hardworking attitude and head going a million different
directions as I do, probably more. I told him I love talking with people who
have the job I want. We talked for over an hour during the final hour of
business! I mean really? Who sits down with a student to chat about something
for 45 minutes longer than needed at the end of the day? Someone who is
awesome, that’s who!
So thank you Brandt Smith for taking more than the time to
share with me answers, ideas and possibly a future job once my first term of
AmeriCorps is over.
Who can you take extra time for?
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 36 - Leadership Capstone students
just that they are glad you went first. I made my very first “glog” for my
leadership capstone course and well, I had no idea what to do. I still don’t
know if I did it write and I feel it’s inadequate compared to what other people
wrote. Granted, I took forever to make mine because I’m not the free flowing
creative type but I’m trying to work on it through projects like this.
Anyways, I went for it and I made one. It may not be the
right format but I’ll find out once it’s graded. The worst that’s going to
happen is that I bomb it but luckily there is one more.
I posted the link on webct and I had a few comments just
saying they are glad I went first and some said they really liked the look of
it. Maybe they had nothing else to say, I don’t know, but it made me happy that
I made something creative and other people didn’t think it looked awful. J
I challenge each of you to go say something positive to
someone else. Compliment someone, give someone props, high five the person
walking your way. Just do something, ANYTHING, to make a positive impression on
somebody’s day. You never know just how much it might mean.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 35 - Applebee's Host
Also, every Friday and Saturday Applebee's has half-price apetizers.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 34 - My doctor
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 33 - Professor Moinette
Now, to the one Spanish teacher at UCO who made me want to try again. Thank you professor Moinette for believing in me, pushing me to practice more and not making me feel like a child cornered in a room.
Today, before regaining my 102 temperature, I was at UCO and leaving a meeting. I saw this wonderful professor and as she was walking up the stairs she said "hola." With a big grin I replied and she then asked "como estas." I told her, in Spanish of course, that I was doing well, very well. It turns out she was doing well too.
To tell you the truth, I was sick, tired of my cough feeling contradictions between a leadership opportunity and a giving back scholarship opportunity, but she made my day all around.
I wish I could say more but let me end with this thought. I don't think teachers realize their full power of inspiring people or rather their influence in making a student change their major, give up on something they loved or some other similar experience. They have the potential to change a students life for the better and also to change it for the worse.
This photo was courtesy of google.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Day 32 - The employers at the UCO Career & Internship fair
Now maybe this had something to do with graduation coming up or knowing my AmeriCorps term ends in August, but I just liked this one and all the people.
The employers were outgoing and approached the students without hesitation. Usually it resembles a middle school dance where the employers are a bunch of girls talking with each other and the student as the one boy trying to be brave enough to ask one of 'the pack' for a dance.
Personally, I found a couple future opportunities but nothing immediate. I just wish the Marine recruiters were not present. I swear the military recruiters all know my weak spot, the military. Specifically the longing to be a part of something larger that is structured and goal-oriented.