Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29 – Bryce Lumbert

So I may give my nephew a lot of grief but he is actually a really cool kid. I drove to my sister’s house to pick up some girl scout cookies (IF YOU NEED ANY HERE IS MY SHAMELESS PLUG, YOU SHOULD ASK ME OR COMMENT BELOW!!!) I saw Bryce and a friend shooting some hoops in the driveway.

Bryce was on one of those fancy skateboards that move side-to-side and was shooting hoops while on it! I asked him how hard it was and he let me try. Needless to say, I should wear protective gear for future attempts.

So although he didn’t do anything too stunning, besides let me try some of his gadgets I just wanted to spend my final minute bragging on him.

He is a ridiculously talented kid who probably never realizes this because we all give him such a hard time. (We are a very sarcastic family.) Although his passion seemed to be sports, videogames and movies he is developing into a well-rounded person. He plays cello is hoping to play for his school football and baseball team and he still makes time to hang out with his friends. Keep in mind, my sister and her family just moved and Bryce has managed to transition better than anyone and has made some new friends in the neighborhood.

So yes, I give him grief and yes he is pretty cool kid.

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