Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31 – Richard Pearsall

My dad is cooler than your dad, just saying. Okay, so I know this blog is supposed to be all positive and that might have been mean of me, but really. Have you met my dad? He is the all-around good guy. He takes half the neighbors trashcans out, collects mail and newspapers when their out and mows their lawns when he knows they are having a hard time or are gone for the week.

Well today my dad was on the way to the gym when he got my text asking if he left yet. So he called me already halfway to the gym. He turned around at the next exit, went home, picked up some items and came over to my place just to give them too me. He brought me cough medicine, that mint rub for your chest and some fancy vitamin c drink powder (I didn’t use the later.)

I guess I’m much more of a daddy’s girl then I admit, but he is really cool dad to have. He is who I probably get the natural instinct of helping others, being active and chatting it up.

I remember him coaching soccer, leading some association and he even played on several teams. I also remember him coming to every game, competition and award ceremony I ever had. To set the record straight, the only extracurricular I have ever been decent at were karate and JROTC. When I played the final two minutes of a basketball game or two plays in football, he came. He came, he watched and he was proud.

My dad is one cool dude.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 - Linda from Aikido

I have a few international students that are in an aikido class with me and they are some of the coolest people I have met at UCO. Througout the night I was partnered with most of them at some point. Well, I won't focus on all but on Linda.
Linda and I were working on a self defense technique when I soon realized she is double jointed. Now I don't think there was a translation for this word but in either case, I was amazed at what she did with her arm.
Amazed as I was, I wanted to know a variation of the technique I could do for double-jointed people. So I took Linda over to the instructor and asked. Then I showed the girls (her friends included) next to us. Soon all the girls were giddy in this odd but interesting find.
At the end of class the instructor brought it up and soon the entire class was wiggling their arms trying to figure out how Linda moves the way she does.

What I'm trying to say, unsuccessfully I'm sure, is that this gal from another country took my public amazement with stride and good spirit.

She rocks!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29 – Bryce Lumbert

So I may give my nephew a lot of grief but he is actually a really cool kid. I drove to my sister’s house to pick up some girl scout cookies (IF YOU NEED ANY HERE IS MY SHAMELESS PLUG, YOU SHOULD ASK ME OR COMMENT BELOW!!!) I saw Bryce and a friend shooting some hoops in the driveway.

Bryce was on one of those fancy skateboards that move side-to-side and was shooting hoops while on it! I asked him how hard it was and he let me try. Needless to say, I should wear protective gear for future attempts.

So although he didn’t do anything too stunning, besides let me try some of his gadgets I just wanted to spend my final minute bragging on him.

He is a ridiculously talented kid who probably never realizes this because we all give him such a hard time. (We are a very sarcastic family.) Although his passion seemed to be sports, videogames and movies he is developing into a well-rounded person. He plays cello is hoping to play for his school football and baseball team and he still makes time to hang out with his friends. Keep in mind, my sister and her family just moved and Bryce has managed to transition better than anyone and has made some new friends in the neighborhood.

So yes, I give him grief and yes he is pretty cool kid.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28 - Joey Senat

There is a guy. His name is Joey Senate. He is one of the gods of journalism, specifically laws, in Oklahoma. He is always posting in the Oklahoma Collegiate Press Association Facebook group. Not only does he post but he is a pro about media because he replies. I know a paper's lab director and she posted a question about records and wether a particular situation was illegal or legal for her school to do. Mr. Senat within 24 hours replied in detail along with a recommended website.
Besides his events over Facebook, he is a genuinely nice person. There is a yearly conference and completion for Oklahoma student newspapers in I believe April. The conference following my friend's death was an emotional one. I had already graduated but was still close with the newspaper family. We found out he placed but would not know what until the actual conference. I told his parents and they wanted to go. Well neither them nor myself had registered but Joey let us register and waived our fees. Why? Because he is a wonderful man who respected where Ethan would have gone on to be and what would have been his role as the editor.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27 - The graduate student who debates

Have you ever been sure of something but your friend disagreed? You start to explain your point and your friend begins to int erupts. Naturally you raise your voice, to make sure said friend clearly hears the point. 10 minutes later and you both are walking away while screaming at each other, point not made?
If so, you and your friend should work on some communication skills.

In my leadership ethics course there is one graduate student. Today we talked about JoPa, aka, Joe Patterno. I had viewpoints. He had viewpoints. We both shared our sides in an excited, but natural way. When we understood the why behind the point we found that we agreed on several points. Our views just varied.

Anyways, my point is we had a friendly debate and no one won nor did anyone lose. In a debate such as this, there is only listening and explaining. Next time your with your friends, family, coworkers or god forbid, your academic advisor, please take heed and listen, understand and hear what the other is saying.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26 - UCO student volunteer

Volunteers are the essential, yet forgotten, part of many places. They are the ones who can step in with an outside perspective to better handle a situation. I saw a female UCO student come out of nowhere and help a little girl who was crying after she fell. This student is one of my fellow volunteers at a school I help with. She is consistently there and I merely help with the after-school program a couple times a week.
I won't lie, sometimes kids get to me, but so do adults and it is nice to have someone else who can handle one situation. This not only allowed me to watch my other kids but to handle the impending argument of whose turn it is at dodgeball.

So next time you see a volunteer, say thank you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25 - Rusty Surette

Today the UCO PRSSA had their first spring meeting. Usually the first meeting of any organization is lacking. This was different. The group wrangled Rusty Surette to speak. He is the Head of Communications at the Oklahoma American Red Cross of Central and Western Oklahoma. Mr. Surette is both comical and informative. I'm glad I decided to attend this meeting, it was definitely worth my time. Surette answerd my questions which began a chain reaction of thoughts to pour in.

So WHY is he on here? As a professional, he took the time out of his own day (which is very hectic) to speak with a group of college students. What better way to give back to your community than to educate those who will one day fill your shoes.

Has anyone experienced something similar?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 24 - Camp Fire USA

As many of the people around me know, I am serving a year with AmeriCorps. It's like PeaceCorps for the states, although autocorrect still does not believe AmeriCorps is a word. That is beside the point. My service falls directly under Camp Fire USA. I LOVE my job. I left a supervisor position with double the pay for this, and I don't regret it.
The staff at CF are more of a family. Whenever a member leaves or it is someones birthday the "family" pitches in a few dollars to get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant or store. Heck, even lunches are chipped in for.
It's been a confusing, but wonderful transition to a business where every person will say good morning as well as goodbye. I've been asked more times if I want something from a particular restaurant than I've ever actually eaten out.
I wish I had more time to share more about this great group, but I just wanted to share how awesome they are.

p.s. Search "Camp Fire USA - Heart of Oklahoma."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23 - The man with a smile

A picture may say a thousand words, but a genuine smile can calm a thousand emotions. While in one of my particular classes I found myself feeling doubt, disappointment and discouraged. I felt like a complete outsider and inadequate in my own abilities. I led a discussion and I thought I might have well read the wrong case, and I would have done better.
Through these feelings of failure, I felt okay. I persevered through the muddy disaster. Why? Because one gentleman in front wore a warmhearted smile.
Something so simple made the world of difference.

What can you do today?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22 - The couple with two dogs

To the couple walking around Lake Overholser with their two dogs, good job. Exercising when facing a Oklahoma wind is an achievement on its own, but doing so as a family shows real commitment.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21 - Chase Godfrey

So I met a guy on craigslist about a year and a half ago, when he became my roommate. Since then we have grown a friendship that I'm quite fond of. Now I could probably write something about him every day but let's just say today he bought groceries. Well, to be more specific, about 10 different beverages. Now don't lose track, these are drinks like four gallons of milk and four gallons of water as well as orange juice and I believe one or two more things.
Besides grocery shopping this man always does more than anyone should. He is kind, sweet and shows chivalry to those who are close to him. He has more issues handed his way but manages to keep his head afloat and hold a positive conversation even when everything else is on his mind.
I'm glad craigslist helped me to find such a wonderful dude.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20 - The two who didn't yell

When stuck in traffic are you the one rocking out in your car or maybe you are making use of your time by catching up with someone on the phone. Or are you the one who is yelling at everyone else? While driving with Casey to his parents, we were stopped at a light. Our looks became that of confusion as we watched some car turning at a deathly slow pace and a larger vehicle following close behind it.
After the small car made the turn is when I saw that two people were pushing it into a store lot. Well Casey and I kept watching and wondered why this large vehicle seemed to be tailgating the former. When the little car stopped, the two men left and jumped into the larger car. They had gotten out of their own car in order to help the woman that drove the stalled car in front of their vehicle.
This is the type of act of kindness that makes me think and also makes me proud of the people around me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The kid who I forget is not an adult

Have you ever met someone so young that acted so mature? Someone you may push too hard as if they are an adult but in reality they were only in elementary school? Well I know such a person. This girl is amazing in every sense of the word. During this program I help with, she keeps everyone in line. I can tell the other kids look up to her. Everyone does what she says, for the most part, even if what she says is the exact same thing I or another adult has been saying for 10 minutes.
I don’t think she understand just how much I appreciate everything she does. First I am glad that the younger kids have a positive role model in their life and second I am glad there is someone who can help me communicate with other generations.
So to this particular gal I want to say thank you. You’re a strong, encouraging and uplifting person. If you continue on this path I believe you will go on to do further good deeds.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18 - The girl who watched a random person's purse

Sometimes you just really have to pee. What do you do when your carrying a million things, the restroom is small and you know no one around? Well, you might do what I witnessed one young lady did. She saw a girl she recognized from a class, excused herself for interrupting and asked if she would mind watching her things.
Well this post could applaud both young women. The one sitting down gladly watched a stranger's items. However, the other young lady, once back from relieving herself, sat down and had a wonderful conversation. She started topics about class, schedules, professors, jobs and general interests.
Now looks should not determine characteristics and we should not be judgmental but I admit, I had bias that I didn't know about. The one sitting down was a bit larger, more down to earth looking and slightly hidden in solitude. The one who approached her looked like a preppy model. Without knowing it, I imagined their roles slightly different in this story but I was happy with the ending.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 - The kid that gave me a hug

Some days are just plain long and today was no exception. I'm on medication and it should be noted that I am a lightweight when it comes to anything medicated. I slept about seven hours but about an hour after I took said medicine, I was thoroughly ready to go back to bed. Instead, I went to work.
On days like this the simplest gestures mean the most. A kid in the after school program I work with came up and gave me two hugs. He reminded me that life is something you should smile upon.
Today I needed that hug and tomorrow I will pass it on.

Who will you hug today?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16 – Josh Pearsall

I know it seems I am running through my family but I feel it would be wrong to exclude them for that reason alone. So let me brag on my brother, Josh. Besides being the most amazing role model to me, he is a leader to those he works around.
My brother gave Casey and I a very nice dresser, and a larger one was much needed, but he did more than. He helped me move it today, listened to me rant about everything from school to life to well, everything.
He is great friend, and prankster. He is a magnificent husband to Hollis and a soon to be wonderful dad. Josh goes above and beyond the usual of any of these roles. He calls my parents, sister and I just to check up on us and see how things are going about every other week. He bought some device that allows Hollis and himself to listen to their baby’s heartbeat, which he texted me a sound bite.
He is always there for me in every sense of the meaning. He gives me advice about finances, such as where to invest and how, listens to me speak in what seems like a fast-forward pace and well, is just plain awesome. I’m glad to have grown up in the family that I have and I am proud to say Josh is my brother. He rocks!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day - 15 City of Mustang facebook page

Now I am aware that I write about good things people do but I must say, I love the facebook page for the City of Mustang. It's an open forum where community memos support each other. I skimmed it today and there were a few new posts but each had several replies. The willingness for one person to eagerly help another and the online access to do so is mainly why I love the page.
The second reason i feel I need to share, is that it's my hometown. toI love community and this is where I can see it even after graduating and leaving the area. My heart will always be with the people there.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14 - Random guy with the Stealers jacket

I love random acts of kindness. I love good people. I love hospitality. Casey and I went to the OSU-OKC Farmers Market this morning and it was AMAZING! It was my first time to go and I walked around with my jaw wide open. There could have been drool and I probably wouldn't have noticed.

Well I came upon this booth with chocolate, I complimented the man with a Stealers jacket and then ended up having a small conversation about Pennsylvania, Penn State and the Stealers. I also told him it was my first time there, at which point Casey came over and introduced himself.

The man with the Stealers jacket told us which booths to check out and bought us a fudge sample. It was DELICIOUS!!!

Now not that I'm saying people should expect gifts or should constantly be shelling out money, but I do love honest hard working people who are friendly enough to give advice and pay $2.50 for a piece of heaven.

Thank you Mr. Guy with Stealers jacket

Day 13 - Random guy helping girl study

First off I had a moral debate on whether to change the time so it showed as if I posted yesterday but I decided against it. I am still writing about a person from the day before but I am sorry, I failed to post by midnight.

As for my person of the day...I walked into my ethics course and I saw this girl who seemed to be listing off all the menu items at McAlester's to this guy who was holding a menu. Once I was closer I heard the girl recite the ingredients from various items.

It turns out the girl was aiming for a job at the restaurant and had a menu test later that day and the guy is a current employee who was trying to help her out.

Comment below and share with me, who have you helped today?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12 - Matthew the karate kid

Today I forgot a kid. Well, not like I left him somewhere but rather I forgot he hadn't sparred (fought). In fact, I thought he had and we almost finished class with everyone sparring but him.
When the failure was noticed, I grabbed someones hand gear and jumped right in the ring. Matthew, a white belt (lowest rank), took on myself, a first degree black belt. Now usually I don't go all after a white belt but I had just come down from an upper belt fight where the goal was to make my opponent tired. This is much different than beating the crap out of someone, which is highly discouraged and is not allowed in or outside of class.
Well Matthew the karate kid took me on and absolutely did astounding. He punched in combination, kicked me several times and stood his ground. I am so Incredibly proud of this kid. His heart, dedication and the endurance he showed makes me proud to be one of his senseis. I am proud, but you should have seen the look on his face.
Way to go and a high five for Matthew.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11 - Jeremy Tanequodle

I met Jeremy nearly a year ago. We were cheering on our friend as she competed in a UCO pageant. He seemed to be a really caring guy who would support lifelong friends in whatever their passion was.

Jeremy is now part of a leadership organization that I constantly rave on, the Transfer Leadership Council. He is a comical and very intellectual young man. I firmly believe that whatever he wants to do he will accomplish with his heart and head.

I know I usually write about a specific thing but I read another one of his facebook posts and it made me laugh and feel lighthearted, as usual.

"It's snowing! But what if a million people just had bad dandruff and decided to shake their heads at the same time?"

Thanks for giving everyone a reason to smile Mr. Tanequodle.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10 - The graphic design woman

Sometimes we don't know the right answer, or even an answer at all. Other times we are filled with a know-it-all attitude. In either case, a humble person trying to help is always welcomed. Especially if the person can say "I'm not sure." Tonight I witnessed both and each act was many times exemplified by the woman I was sitting next to.
We were at our yearly condo association meeting when I had many questions. Let it be noted that the woman I refer to was attending any meeting for the first time. I'm not sure wha compelled me, but I asked her a million questions about the other people in the room. She answered a few, had no clue on many but on almost all she knew who to ask for the answer, and did.

So let me give thanks to evyone who does not stop with the unknown but either gives directions to where knowledge can be obtained or retrieves and disseminates it on their own time.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9 - The direction giving professor

To whomever gave me direction and advice this morning, thank you. I didn't catch their name, although I'm sure it was a professor, but I wanted to say thanks.
I really appreciate the random acts of kindness and more so, the daily acts if being polite and having human compassion.

This is short and sweet, but I wanted to say thanks.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 - Mr. Sunflower Market checkout guy

Today has been a pretty wonderful day. Correction, it ended as a wonderful day. It started with me misplacing my wallet, calling in a search party and busting my toenail after kicking my tire. Of course the wallet was in an obvious (just not obvious enough for three people) place.

This is not why I blog, to tell you all about me. Instead it is about others. Today’s blog is about the WONDERFUL service Casey and I had at Sunflower Market. The checkout man was courteous, friendly and helpful!

This man went above and beyond just checking us out. He told us where to find coupons, about recipes using some of the ingredients we bought and even suggested a few of his favorite items. Did you know you can receive $.10 off for every bag you use of your own? It can even be a Walmart sack!

We had such a wonderful time at this store that I think it will be our regular stop. Although some things are more expensive, overall they are equal if not lesser price on most things.

So thank you Mr. Sunflower Market checkout guy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Miguel Blanco

Sometimes all you have to do in life is ask. I met Miguel a year or so ago and he is one of the most caring college guys I know. Every so often I have a question, well actually I constantly have questions. At any rate, I have questions and sometimes in post questions to my Facebook. Well Miguel is a sweetheart. He replied instantly but that is not the entire point. What I want to say is that Miguel is a really good guy that is always willing to help others out. He is hard worker and dedicated to whatever it is he choses to do. I'm glad I met him, and I hope you meet him as well.

Who lent you a hand recently?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6 - The Applebee's waitress

Casey and I were on our usual date night and we decided for a late trio to Applebee's. Although our waitress was friendly enough, I found her concern for then people in the booth behind us to be rather impressive.
Near the end of our visit a somewhat drunken man was sitting at a booth with two females. It was obvious the two did not know the man, but heck, they were flirting and having a good time. The experience seemed okay but as we were about to leave, the man's conversation became a bit more provocative.
Our waitress asked the drunken man what he was up to; he was a regular. I could see in the waitress's eyes that she was looking out for the gals.
I can't tell you what happened, who said what or if anyone left. What I can say is that when Casey and I finished, I felt okay about the way the possible situation was being handled.
And in case your wondering, yes I'm a snoop and yes I eavesdrop.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5 - Steve Orendac

What can I say new about a person who is always helping others? Steve is now in command of the martial arts class I began in so many years ago. He is a huge part of my karate family. Today he not only taught the class self-defense but stayed after to assist me relearn(for the sixth time) my testing kata.
This man continually offers his support and guidance to everyone he comes in contact with. He makes time and is willing to go above and beyond what is required of him.
He is one of the main reasons that I have stayed with this class after returning on a temporary basis.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Drew Watson

We are such a society where appointments are everyday and emails are more common than phone calls, or god forbid, real face-to-face interaction. Well my person of the day is a Mr. Drew Watson, the event coordinator for the Oklahoma City parks.
Earlier I called around searching for permit information but when I heard the person I was being transferred to was a coordinator, well I got nosy. After my intended questions, I asked, "Do you like your job." I was straightforward and he let me share some of my interests. Well this awesome man then talked with me for about 30minutes on the subjects of event coordination, where to find jobs, places that should be hiring, on common names for similar positions.
He could have blown me off, stopped the convo or given me a short answer. Instead, he talked with me, gave me advice and told me to call him back with any questions or to just bounce ideas off of him.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 - Random Neighbor

I'm a fond believer in small things matter. While cleaning out some things from the car this gentlemen, my neighbor, walked past me. We exchanged greetings. He walked forward and I went back leaning into the trunk getting Casey's fencing sabers out. My neighbor then stopped, turned around, walked back and asked if they (the sabers) were fencing sword things. It was cute and he was sincerely interested. It kind of made my day. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1 – Jamie LaVarnway

Alright guys, this is my first day to officially brag on people. Well congratulations Miss Jamie LaVarnway, you are my winner of the day.

Jamie helped me to surprise my fiancĂ© with an incredible New Years Eve get-together. She spent the night and like a magic elf, as she always is, I woke up to a pullout sofa couch reassembled, a clean living room, dishes soaking in the sink and trash in the bin. She is one of my best friends and is always extremely considerate of others. She views the world with a childlike wonder and excitement helping others around her even, at times, when in doing so would have a negative impact on her. I’m glad I stumbled upon this gem of a person and am proud to call her my friend.

Thank you Jamie for all the awesome times from nonstop laughter to picnics to long car rides to rowing to so much more. WTG Jamie!